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Insights for permanent NetSuite professionals

Whatever the NetSuite role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Insights for permanent NetSuite professionals

Whatever the NetSuite role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Insights for permanent NetSuite professionals

Whatever the NetSuite role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Factors that impact on your earning potential according to our respondents

Survey respondents were asked to rank factors most likely to increase earning potential, with years of technical experience with NetSuite once again topping the list as the biggest influence on salary.
Important – 87%
Neutral – 11%
Unimportant – 2%
Important – 84%
Neutral – 12%
Unimportant – 4%
Important – 78%
Neutral – 18%
Unimportant – 4%
Important – 67%
Neutral – 19%
Unimportant – 13%
Important – 67%
Neutral – 27%
Unimportant – 6%
Important – 62%
Neutral – 25%
Unimportant – 13%
Important Neutral Unimportant
Years of technical experience with NetSuite
Years of experience in IT/Ops/Finance
Exposure to large projects
College/University degree(s)
Specific vertical/industry experience
NetSuite certifications

Other factors mentioned by respondents as having an impact on earning potential include:

“Good communication skills, with the ability to translate between technical people and non-technical people.” Administrator, United States
Cross-platform experience
Demonstrable leadership skills
Business acumen
PMP certification or project management experience

Cross-platform experience

leadership skills

Business acumen

PMP certification or project management experience

Want to better understand what you could be earning and compare your salary against your peers?

Download our salary tables brochure for more insight into NetSuite salaries in your country.

What is on offer in the jobs market?

Are NetSuite professionals experiencing pay increases?

Three-quarters (75%) of NetSuite professionals received a salary increase from their current employer in the last year.

On average, those who gained a salary increase with their current employer in the last year saw their pay rise by 17%.

Let’s see those pay increases broken down further:

0-5% pay increase
6-10% pay increase
11-15% pay increase
16-20% pay increase
21-25% pay increase
26-30% pay increase
More than 30% pay increase
0-5% pay increase
6-10% pay increase
11-15% pay increase
16-20% pay increase
21-25% pay increase
26-30% pay increase
More than 30% pay increase

The number of employees that received a pay rise of over 30%, increased from 8% in our last survey, to 13% this time.

While the rising cost of living has resulted in many employers having to offer pay rises, an average increase of 17% suggests that this could also be down to the competition for existing talent driving prices up. But it’s not the only reason.

What reasons did NetSuite professionals give for experiencing a pay increase?

I received a performance-related increase 43%
I changed job 38%
I received an incremental pay increase 22%
I received a promotion 19%
There's a lack of NetSuite talent in the market, and my employer wants to keep me 9%
My organization is more profitable now than it was 12 months ago 7%
I gained an additional NetSuite certification 6%
Greater demand for NetSuite professionals has increased my market value, and my employer wants to keep me 6%
More opportunities for remote work have increased my job options, and my employer wants to keep me 4%
My organization made staffing cuts, and I have taken on more work 3%
Other 1%
I received a promotion 42%
I received a performance-related increase 30%
I received an incremental pay increase 26%
Increased demand for NetSuite services means my organization has more clients than a year ago 22%
Greater demand for NetSuite professionals has increased my market value, and my employer wants to keep me 20%
I changed job 18%
There's a lack of NetSuite talent in the market, and my employer wants to keep me 18%
Increased opportunities for remote work have increased my job options, and my employer wants to keep me 16%
I gained an additional NetSuite certification 14%
My organization offered staff pay increases due to an increased workload 6%
My organization made staffing cuts, and I have taken on more work 4%

Did your salary change when you last changed jobs?

Yes, my salary increased
No, my salary stayed the same
Yes, my salary decreased
Not applicable

Those that experienced a salary increase when changing jobs saw their pay rise by 20% on average.

Yes, my salary increased
No, my salary stayed the same
Yes, my salary decreased
Not applicable

Those that experienced a salary increase when changing jobs saw their pay rise by 20% on average.

We asked those who took a pay cut when they changed jobs to share their reasoning. The top six responses were:

1. I wanted to work for/in that organization/vertical

2. It involved a shorter commute

3. A better overall benefits package

4. A better healthcare package

5. Better pension / 401(k) match / pension contributions

6. Less responsibility

1. I wanted to work for that organization or in that vertical

2. It involved a shorter commute

3. A better overall benefits package

4. A better healthcare package

5. Better pension/401(k) match/pension contributions

6. Less responsibility


Just under half (47%) of professionals have received a counteroffer after resigning from a role. A counteroffer is an offer provided by your employer intended to make you reconsider your resignation. Almost a third (29%) of those that have received a counteroffer accepted it.

What are employees offered as a counteroffer?

Salary increase 83%
Promotion 28%
Bonus 20%
Flexible working hours 18%
Additional paid time off 18%
Retention bonus 17%
Shares in the company 15%
Training and development opportunities 15%
Remote working 11%
Employer paid for certifications 6%
Commission 2%
Other 6%

‘Other’ responses include a different role in the organization rather than a promotion.

Why are employees accepting counteroffers?

On average, professionals that stayed with their employer after receiving a counteroffer remained in the organization for a further 1.5 years. One employee even stayed for a further four years. However, a quarter (25%) of those that accepted a counteroffer later regretted the decision.

Of those that received a salary increase as part of their counteroffer, their pay increased, on average, by 17%.

Rewards and recognition

The benefits we all receive have changed a lot since 2020. The days of a company being able to sell a role based on free city parking and gym membership seem a long time ago, with packages that suit the remote workforce a necessary consideration in the ‘new normal’.

Rewards and recognition need to reflect the shift in the workforce towards providing a better work-life balance too, but with this change there are also other questions that employers need to figure out the answers to.

For example—are financial incentives as effective as they were before? Has a line been drawn between the perks that a candidate wants and those that are now considered standard? After all, it’s only a few short years ago that a company laptop was seen as a perk rather than an essential tool for the job.

The answers to this form an essential part of any successful hiring strategy.

What employee benefits are NetSuite professionals receiving?

1. Health/medical insurance 65%
2. Company laptop 63%
3. Work from home 58%
4. Retirement savings plan/401(k) match/pension contributions 52%
5. Four weeks or more paid time off 48%
6. Dental plan 48%
7. Bonus (monthly/biannual/year-end bonus) 47%
8. Vision/optical plan 47%
9. Casual dress policy 43%
10. Flexible working hours 41%

What unique work perks are on offer?

A four-day working week

Volunteering hours

Average working hours

Permanent employees who took part in our survey work between 18 and 70 hours per week–with 1% of respondents telling us they work 70 hours a week. The average working week is 44 hours.

How many employers are offering remote working?

We asked respondents to tell us how many days they work remotely or from home per week, and the results are as follows:

1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
Full-time remote working

Paid time off by region

Professionals working in a permanent role tell us that they receive, on average, 18 days of paid time off (PTO) a year.

This total differs from country to country, dependent on a number of factors. Employment laws in a specific location is the most obvious reason, but there are often significant differences in PTO on offer within a single country. Internal policies, industry standards, and job roles can all impact the amount of time a candidate is entitled to take off—with companies increasingly offering a generous (and sometimes unlimited) entitlement as part of their attraction/retention strategy.

See below for average PTO days by country:

29 days
United Kingdom
22 days
21 days
17 days
United States


As organizations compete against each other in a candidate-short market, that often results in jobseekers themselves holding many of the cards. As a result, the perks and benefits available look better than they ever have, with plenty on offer from organizations hoping to attract NetSuite talent. Health and medical insurance shot up the priority list in the aftermath of the pandemic and certainly seems to be here to stay, as people have truly taken stock of how important their physical wellbeing is.

Our key findings report contains highlights from this year’s Careers and Hiring Guide, plus our salary tables allow you to compare your salary or benchmark your teams’ salaries no matter their role in the NetSuite ecosystem.

Download the key findings report