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Insights for
hiring managers

Whatever the NetSuite role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Insights for hiring managers

Whatever the NetSuite role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.

Insights for
hiring managers

Whatever the NetSuite role, use our guide to benchmark your salary or contact rate, or to uncover what you should be paying employees in your team.
As the NetSuite platform expands and offers more and more functionality, the pool of talent that can support this innovation doesn’t seem to be expanding at the same pace. For many tasked with finding those professionals, the search is proving more difficult at a time when it’s become more important than ever.
That has resulted in organizations having to take a far more strategic (and bolder) approach than ever before—it’s no longer about being the highest bidder and often means offering a package that more closely aligns with candidates’ own values, identity and ambitions. The ‘new normal’ may not have resulted in empty city centers as some predicted back in 2020, but it has meant being more mindful of how to attract professionals, especially as they often have more than one option to choose from.

Key to that, of course, is retention—because it’s no use attracting the best people into your business if they don’t want to stay.

What strategies are employers using to stay competitive in attracting talent?

Employee skills training 39%
Investment in training programs 38%
Salary increases 36%
Employee wellbeing initiatives 32%
New ways of working—including remote, hybrid, or flexible working 32%
Engaging employees around the mission, vision, and values of the organization 26%
Company profit sharing 25%
Developing a business case for more resources 24%
Introduction of a bonus (monthly/bi-annual/year-end bonus) 24%
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policy 19%
Equality, diversity and inclusive hiring practices 19%
Increased leadership visibility 19%
Increased benefits and perks 15%
None of the above 8%
Other 2%

Hiring NetSuite professionals

Hiring managers tell us that, on average, it takes six months to find a new NetSuite hire. And 58% of hiring managers told us they are looking to hire a NetSuite professional in the next 12 months. Over two-thirds (69%) are confident they can find the right candidate on the first attempt, while 22% are not confident.

What are your top tech staffing challenges over the next 12 months?

Increased competition for talent 33%
Talent retention 31%
Managing remote employees 27%
Lack of resource/capacity in-house 25%
Lack of skills/experience in the market 25%
Buy-in from senior leadership on the need to recruit 25%
We struggle to pay the market rate/what candidates demand 23%
Talent attraction 23%
Lack of skills in-house 21%
Disengaged employees 20%
Personnel change (e.g., redundancies, restructure, and role changes) 14%
We struggle to identify the skills we need/lack 11%
An increase in demand for contractors/freelancers 9%
Virtual recruiting 8%
Our current training program is not effective in upskilling inexperienced candidates 8%
Not sure 4%
Other 3%
Increased competition for talent 33%
Talent retention 31%
Managing remote employees 27%
Lack of resource/capacity in-house 25%
Lack of skills/experience in the market 25%
Buy-in from senior leadership on the need to recruit 25%
We struggle to pay the market rate/what candidates demand 23%
Talent attraction 23%
Lack of skills in-house 21%
Disengaged employees 20%
Personnel change (e.g., redundancies, restructure, and role changes) 14%
We struggle to identify the skills we need/lack 11%
An increase in demand for contractors/freelancers 9%
Virtual recruiting 8%
Our current training program is not effective in upskilling inexperienced candidates 8%
Not sure 4%
Other 3%

Hiring manager at an end user?

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Hiring manager at an end user?

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Hiring manager at a NetSuite Partner?

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Hiring manager at an end user?

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Hiring manager at a NetSuite Partner?

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Are NetSuite professionals experiencing burnout?

Burnout is characterized by exhaustion, cynicism related to your job, inefficacy, or the stress generated by being in a constant state of busyness and the feeling that no amount of effort is ever good enough, which can result in negative physical and mental health.
Almost half (47%) of permanent NetSuite professionals say they have experienced burnout in their current role, compared to only 32% of freelancers.

According to our respondents, what were the consequences of experiencing burnout?

Burnout can impact the quality of work produced. As a Functional Consultant from the United States explains, “I’m less productive, tired, and cannot retain information as easily”. This can also impact clients, “my productivity has suffered, leading to client dissatisfaction”, according to a Solution Architect based in the US.

Employees might start to feel apathetic towards their work, which happened to an Accounting Manager from the US “I stopped being passionate about my work and only do the tasks I am given. I no longer give 110%”. Worryingly, some respondents endured ill health due to burnout: “I suffered from a lack of sleep, digestive issues, increased pessimism, and a desire to seek other opportunities” [Purchasing Assistant, United States].


Driving a NetSuite team that achieves success is clearly a difficult balancing act. While the potential of the platform is vast, expectations need to be managed in order to avoid employee burnout. It’s no use having a group of highly skilled professionals that simply aren’t motivated.

Beyond being the fundamentally right thing to do, employee wellbeing also brings positive results to your business. Healthy people make better decisions—and that means physical and mental health.

The future workplace

Are NetSuite professionals happy to work in the office five days a week?

Yes, I’d be happy to work in the office full-time
No, I’d prefer to work fully remote
No, I’d prefer
hybrid working
(e.g., some of the time in the office and some at another remote location/home)
Not sure
Yes, I’d be happy to work in the office full-time
No, I’d prefer to work fully remote
No, I’d prefer hybrid working
(e.g., some of the time in the office and some at another remote location/home)
Not sure

Hiring remote employees

Almost half (48%) of hiring managers have hired a remote NetSuite professional in the last three years.

How well are remote employees performing?

They more than exceeded expectations


They met expectations


They performed less than expected


Of the hiring managers that encountered an employee performing below par, 50% believe that remote or offsite working impacted that worker’s performance.

The future of work

Conversations continue to rumble on around remote work but the upshot is that it’s here to stay—tech may long have offered this as a benefit anyway, but the wider world has now proven it also, largely speaking, works.

For professionals, it offers a more seamless blend between home and the office, enabling a far healthier work-life balance when implemented properly. For employers, it gives access to a much wider and diverse talent pool to hire from.

After all, there are an almost unlimited number of reasons someone may not be able to work a full-time office-based position. Whether that’s the commute itself or commitments at home, the simple fact is that remote work offers the chance to reset the dial when it comes to recruiting.

The future of work isn’t simply about how many days someone should spend in the office, however. Things such as updated benefits also go hand-in-hand with it. After all, there’s no use in a fully remote role where the key perks involve free parking or access to a gym in or close to the office.

While the data shows an almost even split between those who’d be influenced by an organization demanding a five-day week spent in the office, there’s still a third of candidates who would be dissuaded by this—which makes it a pretty important consideration for NetSuite employers around the world.

Insights from currently unemployed NetSuite professionals

What factors that are important to unemployed professionals when seeking a role?

Health/medical insurance
Work-life balance
Total benefits package
Career progression opportunities
To work for a company whose values and culture align with their own
Flexible/agile working
Remote working
Company security and stability
New Challenges
To pursue valuable work they feel will make a positive impact

How likely are unemployed professionals to accept a role that involves working in the office five days a week?

Neither likely nor unlikely
Our key findings report contains highlights from this year’s Careers and Hiring Guide, plus our salary tables allow you to compare your salary or benchmark your teams’ salaries no matter their role in the NetSuite ecosystem.

Download the key findings report